I Hate…
I hate indie kids,
With their floppy hair and a single pierced ear.
I hate the Artic Monkeys.
I hate the memories.
I hate I can never tell you.
We talked every day, now we have been silent for months.
I hate the lies you fed me.
I hate the guilt you gave me.
I hate the drunk words you told me when no one else was watching.
I hate how no one would believe me.
… How unkind you were.
I hate your snoring like Chinese water torture.
I hate how you could never understand how I can feel lonely in a room full of bodies.
I hate how you pushed me.
I hate how you pushed me.
I hate how you pushed me in so many more ways than one.
I hate how I was known as “The Girlfriend”.
I hate that I was nothing to you.
I hate that I “coped”, clinging to the last thread that held my mind together.
I hate that you ruined my favourite bands.
I hate how I was ignored by your friends.
I hate how every problem was belittled like a speck of dust on a sad hanging chandelier.
I hate that you chose her over me.
I hate what we were.
Can we be something now?